Introducing GeekRations

What's GeekRations?

Tonight I launched my latest project, GeekRations (check it out at It's a gift of the month club for geeks that pulls weird and off the wall gifts from the hidden nooks and crannies of the internet and delivers them to you monthly. I originally envisioned it for people like myself who love receiving packages in the mail just for the surprise of what's inside. It also makes for an awesome gift for that geek in your life you don't know how to buy for. 

Where We're At Right Now

Currently, GeekRations is taking emails from interested prospective customers. As soon as we're ready to start shipping gifts you'll be notified where you can sign up for the service. Visit and sign up to be notified once we're taking orders! 

Geeky Details

GeekRations is a lean start up in the purest sense of the word. The purpose of the landing page was to see if anyone even cared about this business idea. Apparently people do, so the business idea will be moving forward. Furthermore, GeekRations has an A/B test running on the splash page wording. One of them is pretty straight faced and very plain in describing our service while the other tries to be a little looser and silly. I will reveal the results of which one wins once I feel I've aggregated enough data that I can tell which is the clear winner.